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My First Year in Chi Omega

UF Chi Omega

During Recruitment, I met many women whom I shared interests, values, and passions so when it came to choosing a chapter to spend my college career and beyond, I deeply considered what exactly I was aiming to gain from my Panhellenic experience. After careful thought, I determined that I wanted to be surrounded by a group of women who would help shape my character into the kind of woman I wanted to become.

​Within Chi Omega, every woman I’ve met has confirmed that being a part of this community will mold me into the most kind, driven, thoughtful, and genuine version of myself. Between my big, Jordon, my best friends, Caroline, Molly and Addison, and my role model, Rhian (and countless others), I have found myself surrounded by incredible women in Chi Omega. I can say with confidence that Chi Omega has enhanced the person that I was on Bid Day in every way imaginable.

​With this in mind, every woman has different goals in what they hope to gain from their participation in a Panhellenic chapter. Perhaps it’s to be surrounded by women who will push them academically or to have opportunities for leadership development or to make a big university feel smaller. No matter what it is that someone may be looking for in a sorority, Chi Omega is the place to find it.

​One of the benefits of membership in Chi Omega that I’d never expected was my academic mentor, Sonia. Within the first month of my freshman year, I was connected with a senior in my major who volunteered their time to talk to me about my academic and professional goals. Sonia helped me connect with on-campus Pre-Law organizations, discuss course selections, install my life-saving calendar application (Notion), and share her personal experiences with internships and law school preparation. Entering university is a daunting academic experience, but having someone who can show you the ropes and reassure you that you’re exactly where you need to be means the world. Not only did Sonia reassure me academically, but she was also another friendly face around the house, a sister in more ways than one. 

During the Recruitment process, I remember asking each chapter if I would have opportunities to get involved as a freshman. The women I spoke to in Chi Omega assured me that I would, but I had no idea how many opportunities I would have within my chapter during my first year. By the end of my freshman year, I had the opportunity to serve as External Chair of our Make-A-Wish philanthropy, New Member Education Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Instagram Chair of Marketing. In each of these positions, I grew as a leader in my communication skills, compassion for others, and professionalism that will go on to benefit me in my future career. Furthermore, these positions afforded me the chance to make connections to women of all member classes, including Rhian, the former director of our annual philanthropy event, Sandblast. My professional relationship with Rhian is what encouraged me to apply to the Florida Cicerones. Applying to the Florida Cicerones was one of the best decisions in my collegiate career and I would not have made that decision had it not been for the relationships that I have built in Chi Omega.

​Upon committing to the University of Florida, my main concern was how I would adjust from a graduating class of 220 to a student body of 40,000 undergraduates. Joining Chi Omega in the fall of my freshman year made this massive community feel so much more personal. Within a few months, I couldn’t walk through campus without seeing a familiar face and stopping to chat. Not only does joining a Panhellenic chapter give you the opportunity to meet people within your chapter, it allows you to build connections throughout the Greek community.

​Becoming a woman of Chi Omega was the best decision I’ve ever made. The women that I’ve met, experiences that I’ve had, and ways that I’ve been able to grow have changed my life forever; I wouldn’t be who I am today without Chi Omega.


All my Love,

Kendall Walsworth MC ‘23

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807 West Panhellenic Drive

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